In order to troubleshoot issues, flexiManage and flexiEdge provide information and notifications on various components of the system:
Status of each inventory item such as devices, tunnels, configuration, interfaces, static routes, etc.
Notifications for network events
Jobs page shows all jobs sent to the device - including the request and response for each.
Logs are available from both flexiManage and local flexiEdge WebUI.
Full configuration can be viewed for each device.
Collecting all logs¶
To gather all logs from a device in a single downloadable file, flexiWAN offers fwdump
feature. Using fwdump tool will gather and compress all logs in a single file. File can be then fetched from the device. fwdump
is available in two ways:
sudo fwdump
from the command line. This will generate a file in the current folder. Example: fwdump_devicename_20230721_152125.tar.gz - grab the file using SCP or similar tool.Navigate to local flexiEdge UI and from the Troubleshooting section, click on the top right icon to download fwdump archive directly from the browser.
fwdump archive can later be analyzed on a computer or sent to our support for investigation.
Common Issues:¶
Device registration failure¶
Symptom: Device not shown in the inventory devices
The account has reached the 3 free device limit and a valid payment method wasn’t added to the account
The correct token is installed in /etc/flexiwan/agent/token.txt
No firewall that inspect the https and websocket certificates
Run fwsystem_checker and make sure the hardware and software configuration are fine
Check the log using “tail -100 /var/log/flexiwan/agent.log” verify if any error reported
Try to start or reset the flexiEdge device:
To start: “fwagent start”
To reset: “fwagent reset”
Try to restart the flexiwan-router service: “sudo systemctl restart flexiwan-router”
No interfaces for device¶
Symptom: The flexiManage Device -> Interfaces tab does not show any interfaces
Check the existence of PCI interfaces using the command: “lspci -vnn”. If no PCI interfaces are available, it requires to modify the network adaptor to be PCI based
Check if the interfaces assigned to DPDK using the command: “dpdk-devbind -s”. If interfaces are bound to DPDK, run “fwagent stop” followed by “fwagent start”
Device not connecting¶
Symptom: flexiEdge device is registered but is not getting to connected state
Device approved in flexiManage
Run fwsystem_checker and make sure that the hardware and software configurations are correct
Check the log using “tail -100 /var/log/flexiwan/agent.log” verify if any error reported
Update device failed¶
Symptom: modify device or interface configuration failed
Check the Troubleshoot -> Jobs for failures
Device fails to start¶
Symptom: start device failed
Run fwsystem_checker and make sure the hardware and software configurations are correct
Check the Troubleshoot -> Jobs for failures
Check the logs by getting the device logs using the logs tab, verify if any error reported
Check the device configuration using the device configuration tab, check if any wrong configuration exists. To reset the configuration on the device run: “fwagent reset -s”
Tunnel errors¶
Symptom: Tunnel creation failed
Check Troubleshoot -> Jobs for failures
Check if “Public IP” is required in the device configuration. Public IP is required when connecting via the public
Verify that the WAN interface has no routing enabled
Verify that the LAN interface has “OSPF” enabled
Verify that there is no overlap of LAN subnets
Check the device connectivity
Check the logs by getting the device logs using the logs tab, verify if any error reported
Check the device configuration using the device configuration tab, check if any wrong configuration exists. To reset the configuration on the device run: “fwagent reset -s”
Try to delete and add the tunnel
Loss of connectivity¶
Symptom: Device offline in flexiManage and no connectivity on the device itself
Login to device console and issue “fwkill” command as root. This will stop flexiWAN router service and restore the default netplan.
Verify device has internet connectivity after fwkill command.
Issue “systemctl start flexiwan-router” and confirm device connects back to flexiManage
Optionally, issue “fwagent reset -s” or “fwagent reset” to re-add the device and configure from scratch.